• introduction to lens design with zemax 爱    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 名陽科技股份有限公司

      Min Yan was founded in 1980, and has been positioning as a leading game design group in Taiwan. We have been striving for developing our own mark for all these years, and we made it! Due to reasonable price and sufficient entertainment, out sales record has always been outstanding. TSK, our trade...

      電話:07-8157707    地址:高雄市前鎮區新生路248-5號C棟七樓(臨廣加工區)
    2. 傑盒設計

      ...m landscape to graphics, a company with simple vision yet not compromising design with local sociological perceptions. we celebrate design/ build process with ecological friendly applications/ materiality without excessive "over-design". it is not a revolution but just try to do the things right, on...

      電話:04-22426336    地址:台中市北屯區北屯路439-17巷12號
    3. Cerebrum Design Taiwan co., lt

      Original Design, Total Branding Solution Cerebrum Design is the “ innovative one-stop ” design branding consultancy firm. We understand that a strong brand foundation is essential for brand success and that innovation is a key driver for business growth. We comprehend our creativity with the lo...

      電話:02-25115957    地址:台北市中山區中山北路二段26巷11號地圖
    4. 優騰國際室內設計有限公司

      In-Tect Design Associates (IDA), a full service operation, specializes in space planning, interior design and project management for multinational corporations and state-owned companies. With a host of successful projects over the past two decades, IDA has a strong record in office design. Our goal ...

      電話:02-27161267    地址:台北市松山區敦化北路153號5樓B室
    5. 嵩雋車業有限公司

      ‧ Songzun frame company is a specialized bicycle frame, fork components manufacturer with registered capital of USD 1 million. ‧ Our main products are bicycle frame, bicycle fork, electric bicycle and other metal product of sports product.‧ Songzun is founded in 1995. ‧ Since th...

      電話:04-8852014    地址:彰化縣溪湖鎮西勢里興安路30巷46號

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